Fairy Tales and Parasites
A human mind can be compared to a parasitic plant. It attaches itself to a tree of a certain reality and stays there stuck for life unless it discovers a possibility to move onto another host - a taller tree with a fuller crown, better access to the sun and well-nourished roots. But how can a vine with no eyes believe in the existence of other trees around? That’s where it gets ridiculous: you just have to have faith in fairy tales.
See your beautiful dream tree-reality clearly even as the blind ivy you are. Pin the target slide in your head and move your leaves, one by one, in the direction of the imaginary achievement. There will be many distractions on the way trying to get you confused. Rocks be falling and other plants trying to block you from further moves. There’s also your own shadow aka fear.
I came to the point of my life when my mind was feeding off its own sick and sad-looking stems with no flowers, running destructive thoughts in circles, drying out the tree’s roots and wanting to end its existence. Unfortunately, the mind is infinite and can’t die. It just finds itself attached to different trees-realities. It also obeys to multi-dimensional conservation laws known to humanity for a very long time. And so I ask AI… What are those laws? And NYC answers.