Brooklyn Streets Poetry
The skies turned peachy, buildings - faded grey. I forced myself out of my room. I walked west
“Don’t ever leave your room!” - said Joseph Brodsky. He continued:
“Let nobody but the room
know what you look like. Incognito ergo sum,
as substance informed its form when it felt despair.
Don’t leave the room! You know, it’s not France out there”.
It’s Brooklyn, and I call it home. It’s been 4400 days since I’ve arrived. 12 years ago or so. Sunsets are nice. I like the pizza sign doubled-up and reflected in a parked car. What else?
Before moving here, I imagined myself owning a photo studio. Figuratively speaking, my initial dream of NYC started in an empty cyclorama space in my head. Now I’m traumatized by it. I start walking faster when I see photo equipment in street windows.
What attracts me the most is towers.
They seem so stable. Not bothered by anything. Strong.
I’d like to be strong one day.