Fred Cut The Grass
“Fred cut the grass and walked in all itchy: that was a lot of work, and he’s finished. “Did you know that long jucy stems secrete this liquid which has a specific smell of the freshly-cut grass for a reason?”
I didn’t know the reason, and I was just enjoying the smell. Reminds me of a late summer evening in the countryside back home.
“To keep predators away” - he continued.
Freshly Cut Grass by D.S.
A vegetarian hater already told me about this once. “You feel sad killing and eating a cow? Then have compassion for plants, too. Do you know that energizing smell of freshly-cut grass?”
“Buddha through pink glasses” 06.16.2024
I inhaled the air with traces of the smell. Dust specks flying around in the sunlit room shuddered. I made an attempt to imagine how harmful Fred’s actions were for the grass over there. I pictured wildly growing weeds on the side of a staircase. Sharp blades and chilling sounds, bright green sprouts flying around… It is sad, indeed.
If I want it to be.
Scenario by D.S.